
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Here is my ..."PERSPECTIVE"

I have completed this class with earth shattering "WhooHooo", this was a class that challenge my minimum skills of drawing. I have to say learning about one point and two point perspectives was fun. And I can say that I see easily where these lessons can be applied in future profession. I have developed a love for drawing rectangulars and cylinders in 2D. I now have a small sketch book I carry around with me and when the mood strikes me I draw one point perspective rooms and play around with horizon lines and vanishing points like it a game...Hmmmm!

The instructor for this calls Marc Mannheimer was brillant in the way he had us approach applications. Always calling on us to tap into our imaginary scenes and then perfect them in sketches with in an inch of the imagination. We shaded like our lifes depended up on it. Just kidding! But I promise you I will never look at any of my older sketches now as finished after this class. I finally learned techniques that use to marvel me in others compositions. And I'm sure with time I will be just as good if not better. I know take you through the stages of this class with some representations I felt showed my learning stages and improvements.

During this class I had challenges that were beyond my control. I lost access to the school site more times than I care to write about. On a few occassions I found myself working until 2am during the week and hoping I had enough sleep to drive the hour I do to work. There was no question that coffee is the nector of the gods. My only saving grace is that I'm on Eastern time zone and my school is on Mountain time zone. I managed to do my reading and present work that I could be proud of for others to see.