
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Here is my ..."PERSPECTIVE"

I have completed this class with earth shattering "WhooHooo", this was a class that challenge my minimum skills of drawing. I have to say learning about one point and two point perspectives was fun. And I can say that I see easily where these lessons can be applied in future profession. I have developed a love for drawing rectangulars and cylinders in 2D. I now have a small sketch book I carry around with me and when the mood strikes me I draw one point perspective rooms and play around with horizon lines and vanishing points like it a game...Hmmmm!

The instructor for this calls Marc Mannheimer was brillant in the way he had us approach applications. Always calling on us to tap into our imaginary scenes and then perfect them in sketches with in an inch of the imagination. We shaded like our lifes depended up on it. Just kidding! But I promise you I will never look at any of my older sketches now as finished after this class. I finally learned techniques that use to marvel me in others compositions. And I'm sure with time I will be just as good if not better. I know take you through the stages of this class with some representations I felt showed my learning stages and improvements.

During this class I had challenges that were beyond my control. I lost access to the school site more times than I care to write about. On a few occassions I found myself working until 2am during the week and hoping I had enough sleep to drive the hour I do to work. There was no question that coffee is the nector of the gods. My only saving grace is that I'm on Eastern time zone and my school is on Mountain time zone. I managed to do my reading and present work that I could be proud of for others to see.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Color Theory for Print and Illustrator Workshop

I have just completed my Final Composition and Final exam for Color Theory for Print. You will find the composition in the class tab. I named it "Beauty and the Beast. I can emphatically say I have learned a great deal in this class. But,  I still believe I have more to learn and will in real world applications. This class taught me the basics of color and its various use/applications. I learned overall the most that I dream in color and favored monochromatic palettes in my every day surroundings. Although I can now appreciate a Tetrad or Triad palette I think I will still heavily saturate my hues within an inch of their lives. Figuratively speaking I now know how to make color leap off the monitor and dance. The instructor for this class deserves praise for her method of teaching. She was hands on when required for direction and hands off for creativity.

She pushed you in directions that would have had you saying "Hey! Why did I not think of that?” I developed a spirit of eagerness in each weekly assignment. And saw every completed composition as a piece for my presentational portfolio. During this class I tried to take on extra work loads by attending an Illustrator workshop and a Photoshop workshop. But with work schedule changes I was only able to complete the Illustrator one. Now, here is where I must give credit when it is due. This teacher "Rocked" in his teaching method. I must add in no comparison to my Color Theory teacher. They both had techniques to convey that just complemented each other. His teaching method was so personable with his video tutorials and written detailed tips that if you struggled thru this workshop you had to ask yourself "Why am I here?”

I learned tricks and techniques from both instructors that I feel will carry me a long way in my future endeavors.

Let me also point out that since I have started my online courses. These two teachers were in my opinion what you should expect and get if you’re taking a course online. They understand the balance of work, deadlines and expected struggles with applications. I completed my assignments on time, not to say just to get them done. But I did them on time because I was eager for their feedback/critique. And what made them stand out the most is how they got the class to commune with each other. I felt that not only did I have to critique a fellow classmate assignment, but that I truly looked forward to the discussions and exchange of ideas. These teachers did not take a back seat they were right in the middle of our discussions. Fueling our ideas and creativity seemed at times to be these instructors only goal. And the Tutorials, Videos, Reading assignments for these classes will help you apply their content immediately.


Color Theory for Print | FND111 P05
Instructor: Hannah Judson

Illustrator Short Course XA
Instructor: Online Instructor , Kristofer Harzinski


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Why I created this Blog?


If you have found this blog...Welcome! I'm sure your wondering what is the purpose of this blog. After completing my Second class on my journey to being a game designer, I started to see progression in my creative ideas and my abilities to communicate them through my class assignments. So, I thougt it was important to have a place to see my growth. I did not create this blog to teach someone or show off my work. It's more a road map to my more professional presentation that I will use upon graduation to seek employment in my field of study.

I am also using this blog to document this experience of someone like me that is making a career change into an industry that is predominately a male oriented field with very few females at the helm. And as a African American female I have seen even less of my nationality in this industry. Why? I am not sure, but I hope to learn and explore this absence as I research. I will be pulling in industry statistics and research that I come across not to inform, surely this information is out there on the web. But this will be the place where I build and maintain my motivation and stay abreast of my field as I continue my studies.

At times you will have to forgive me if I do not blog from day to day, there just really will not be time since I work and go to school. I have to sleep...sometimes. But I plan to do my best to keep relevant content posted. If you decide to follow this blog...please feel free to comment. Your most likely the person I hope to target when I graduate and fascinate. So, If I can capture your interest will appreciate what I plan to offer in the future for gaming. And if you do comment, please be considerate that this is my blog to my professional presentation, some of the work may not be as polished as you would expect. Ok! here is where I put down my pen and get back to work.

 Pack your bags....Let's go!