
Saturday, January 26, 2013


Welcome Back! Reader,

I think I am doing well juggling my studies and work. I must admit I have developed a bias with respect to those that decide to go to school online and work while still maintaining or having families. Never let someone tell you its easier to go to school online and that your expected degree means less than attending class in person. This is what I was once told by someone that truly did not understand the need to take an online course and let me count the ways this approach is better.

1. You immediately learn discipline in meeting deadlines and the ability to focus on studies while your life plays out around you in family nights possibly missed or overtime required at work. The ability to still structure your time to participate in other aspects of your busy life while still being able to shut the world out as you accomplish assignment readings is truly a new skill to master.

2. You develop a strong work ethic in being able to submit assignments on time. This is truly the Time management skills need in the working world. Your requirement to be available for discussions, questions from peers/teacher and the expected level of participation in assigments requires you to be focused on the work at hand. Your less inclined to cut corners and glance over work when it's facing you in a black and white written submission your unable to take back after posting.

3. Taking this type of course online your able to immediately seek out and search for additional resources and visuals to help you understand the industry better. There are more hyper links connected to an assignment I'm confident you would not seek out in a class room setting. Actually you may be limited in such an environment until you had more time to explore on your own away from class. These assignments require links to help the learning process. This alone make you more efficient in the various technologies having to apply so many visual representations to your understanding. It "INTERACTIVE".

4. For this type of industry you will face times when your only means of communication is via online. Taking these courses helps you develop your communication skills to a level thats strengthen by the changes in technology. Here you get to Skype, Text, Email, Download, Video Chat etc. When called to work in a team structure these communication skills will be like second nature because you already work online.

5. Last but not least. I think in a classroom/on site university setting its easier to loose your motivation towards your chosen degree. Online you develop the ability to be self motivating, which in times if your working remotely you will need to have developed. I find having worked from home with my current job that the ability to be self motivating is a developing skill for future occupations.

These are just a few reason I have realized since I started my online degree that this method has its benefits. If you ever take this road do not accept the concept that working online allows you the flexiblity to earn a degree while working. This saying has hidden challenges you could not possibly imagine. The flexibilty comes in ways you may never consider. I am sure there are many more benefits or challenges to come, but for now I'm just supper happy I got a A- in this class. I know the hard work I put into it and can truly appreciate what I have learned. How I learned in this class will be a testiment to who I become as a student in the years to follow. This class was fun, creative, challenging and overall I felt a sense of satisfaction in a job well done when I submitted my final project. Here is a quote my Instructor sent me on my final composition.

"Your image is dazzling and very powerful. I love this design! I could see this being a popular image for homes. If only people sold posters like this, or perhaps they do. Give it a try on Etsy. I would not be surprised if you sell some prints or posters. Seriously, look into it."

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